Friday, September 1, 2017

Been a while since I posted. What have I been doing!? Oh, working.. and playing Donkey Kong 64 when I get the chance. I still think it's one of the worst N64 games ever!

I've been spending a ton of money over the last two months on games and consoles I used to have and such. And holy crap did I get a lot! Now I've got just a few more coming then come the new car parts. I have a headlight on the way, need a blower motor resistor (or just to repair the pack I have) passenger side rear view mirror, windshield and wipers. Then I'm all set to pay a bunch of money for a little more freedom........hooray!

Oh, I almost forgot! I also paid a ton and then some to get my old band, Something in Itself of Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, etc.. Went to GoodWill and found an Xbox for $5. I wasn't even excited.

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